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Search By Model


2012 Current Models
Hulme F1

Hulme is a small boutique supercar manufacturer from New Zealand named in honor of 1967 Formula One World Champion, New Zealander Denny Hulme.


Then, comes the History section. Expand on any important events and company occurances in this section.

Future Models

Current Models

This is where the Current Model Line for the MAKE is listed. If there were changes made to the current make line-up, mention them here.

  • Please be sure to list the CURRENT models for the given MAKE in the "Discussion" section of the page. A site administrator will then add an Infobox to the MAKE page with the list of current models.

Discontinued Models

Companies undergo new model line-ups and refresh models depending on market trends. Models that have been retired or are no longer in production should be listed here.

See Also


External Links

Please include any external sites that were used in collaborating this data, including manufacturer sites, in this section.