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{{Documentation subpage}}{{TOC right}}
{| style="margin:auto; border-collapse:collapse; border-style:none; background-color:{{{bgcolor|transparent}}}; width:{{#if: {{{wide|}}} | 100% | auto}}; {{#if: {{{bgcolor|}}} | border: 1px solid #AAAAAA;}}" class="cquote"
| width="20" valign="top" style="color:#B2B7F2;font-size:{{#switch:{{{size|{{{2|{{{quotewidth|{{{width|20px}}}}}}}}}}}}
'''{{tl|Cquote}}''' (for '''Centered pull-quote''') is a template meant for [[pull-quote]]s, which stand apart from the text of a page. 
*  <font color="red">'''NOTE''': This template should '''not be used''' for block quotations in article text.</font>  For long quotations in the text, the [[Wikipedia:Manual of Style#Quotations|Manual of Style]] recommends using the HTML &lt;[[blockquote]]&gt; element, such as through the use of the {{tl|Quote}} template.
* Pull-quotes work best when used with short quotes, and at the start or end of a section, to help emphasize the content of the section.
|#default=35px}};font-family:'Times New Roman',serif;font-weight:bold;text-align:left;padding:10px 10px;" | “
* For shorter pull-quotes of 50 words or fewer in a similar style, consider using {{tl|Rquote}} which sets the quote off to either the right or left as in a magazine [[Sidebar (publishing)|sidebar]].  This can be effective on [[WP:ESSAY|essay]] pages and [[WP:WIKIPROJECT|WikiProject]] homepages.
| valign="top" style="padding:4px 10px;" | {{{1|Insert the text of the quote here, without quotation marks. <noinclude>{{lorem ipsum}}</noinclude>}}}
| width="20" valign="bottom" style="color:#B2B7F2;font-size:{{#switch:{{{size|{{{2|{{{quotewidth|{{{width|20px}}}}}}}}}}}}
# <code><nowiki>{{cquote|quote text}}</nowiki></code>
# <code><nowiki>{{cquote|quote text|quotewidth=40px}}</nowiki></code> or <code><nowiki>{{cquote|quote text|40px|}}</nowiki></code>
# <code><nowiki>{{cquote|quote text|quote width in pixels||author or speaker|title of article, speech, book, etc.}}</nowiki></code>
;Only the first parameter is required.
|#default=36px}};font-family:'Times New Roman',serif;font-weight:bold;text-align:right;padding:10px 10px;" | ”
:But since sizes are slotted into the second parameter place by default, to cite a source one must deliberately define dummy parameters for those (abusing the template logic, which expects numbers), or explicitly define the source author and publication as 4= and 5= respectively (using them as named parameters&mdash;the preprocessor takes such fine):
{{cquote|This is one.
{{!}} colspan="3" style="padding-right: 4%" {{!}} {{#if:{{{4|{{{author|<noinclude>Origin</noinclude>}}}}}}|<p style="font-size:smaller;text-align: right"><cite style="font-style:normal;">—{{{4|{{{author}}}}}}{{#if:{{{5|{{{source|{{{publication|<noinclude>Source</noinclude>}}}}}}}}}|, {{{5|{{{source|{{{publication}}}}}}}}}}}</cite></p>}}
|}<!-- {{subst:FULLPAGENAME}} --><noinclude>
which is generated by:
{{cquote|This is one.
<pre>{{cquote|This is one.
|source=Publication}} </pre>
; Parameter 1: text of the quote; use <code><nowiki><br /></nowiki></code> between paragraphs.
: '''''Required'''''
: '''Note''': if the quote text contains one or more "=" (equal signs), then the template must be called as <nowiki>{{cquote|</nowiki>'''<span style="color:red;">1=</span>'''<nowiki>quote text}}</nowiki> (see [[m:Help:Templates#Equals sign in parameter value|"Equals sign in parameter value"]])
;Parameter 2: "size", "quotewidth", or "width" can also be used. - desired size of the quotation marks; defaults to 20px (anything larger than 48px is not recommended). This can be used to scale the graphical [[quotation mark]]s up and down to suit larger or smaller quotes.
;<del>Parameter 3</del>:<del>"quoteheight"</del> - it was used for desired height of the quotation marks, but no longer.
; author / Parameter 4: Name of the person that wrote or spoke the text being quoted. Can include links.
: '''Note''': if the text contains one or more "=" (equal signs), then the template must be called as <nowiki>{{cquote|</nowiki>'''<span style="color:red;">4=</span>'''<nowiki>text}}</nowiki>
; source / publication / Parameter 5: Source of the quote (publication title, speech, etc.). Can include links.
: '''Note''': if the text contains one or more "=" (equal signs), then the template must be called as <nowiki>{{cquote|</nowiki>'''<span style="color:red;">5=</span>'''<nowiki>text}}</nowiki>
; bgcolor: The color of the background.
; wide: When set to "yes", the quote expands to the entire width of the page. Usefull for small quotes, but may clash with other floating objects, such as infoboxes.
<pre>{{cquote|quote text}}</pre>
{{cquote|External success has to do with people who may see me as a model, or an example, or a representative. As much as I may dislike or want to reject that responsibility, this is something that comes with public success. It's important to give others a sense of hope that it is possible and you can come from really different places in the world and find your own place in the world that's unique for yourself.|4=[[Amy Tan]]}}<!--This is a bad example, as it is illustrating use of the template in article text, not as a pull-quote!-->
<pre>{{cquote|1=quote text}}</pre> (quote text contains an equal sign)
{{cquote|1=The essential point, established by Lorentz, is that the equations of the electromagnetic field are not altered by a certain transformation (which I will call by the name of Lorentz) of the form<sup id="refQLT1904"><small>[[#endnoteQLT1904|2]]</small></sup>:
:<math>x^\prime = k\ell\left(x + \varepsilon t\right),t^\prime = k\ell\left(t + \varepsilon x\right),y^\prime = \ell y,z^\prime = \ell z, k = 1/\sqrt{1-\varepsilon^2}.</math>}}
<pre>{{cquote|quote text|40px}}</pre>
{{Cquote|You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney and to have an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided to you at no cost.  During any questioning, you may decide at any time to exercise these rights, not answer any questions, or make any statements.|40px}}
<pre>{{cquote|quote text|30px||Origin of quote|Cited source}}</pre>
For example:
<pre>{{cquote|And when they've given you their all / Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy / Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall.|30px||[[Pink Floyd]]|''[[The Wall]]''}}</pre>
is rendered as
{{cquote|And when they've given you their all / Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy / Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall.|30px||[[Pink Floyd]]|''[[The Wall]]''}}
Example with ref tags:
<pre>{{cquote|You don't get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot easier.|200px||George W. Bush<ref>http://www.governing.com/archive/1998/jul/bush.txt</ref>}}</pre>
{{cquote|You don't get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot easier.|200px||George W. Bush<ref>http://www.governing.com/archive/1998/jul/bush.txt</ref>}}
<references />
==See also==
;Direct variants:
* {{tl|cquotetxt}} – with text-based quotation mark
{{Quotation templates see also}}
[[Category:Quotation templates|{{PAGENAME}}]]

Revision as of 07:19, 9 September 2010

width="20" valign="top" style="color:#B2B7F2;font-size:{{#switch:20px 10px=20px 30px=60px 40px=80px 50px=100px 60px=120px Insert the text of the quote here, without quotation marks. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Curabitur pretium tincidunt lacus. Nulla gravida orci a odio. Nullam varius, turpis et commodo pharetra, est eros bibendum elit, nec luctus magna felis sollicitudin mauris. Integer in mauris eu nibh euismod gravida. Duis ac tellus et risus vulputate vehicula. Donec lobortis risus a elit. Etiam tempor. Ut ullamcorper, ligula eu tempor congue, eros est euismod turpis, id tincidunt sapien risus a quam. Maecenas fermentum consequat mi. Donec fermentum. Pellentesque malesuada nulla a mi. Duis sapien sem, aliquet nec, commodo eget, consequat quis, neque. Aliquam faucibus, elit ut dictum aliquet, felis nisl adipiscing sapien, sed malesuada diam lacus eget erat. Cras mollis scelerisque nunc. Nullam arcu. Aliquam consequat. Curabitur augue lorem, dapibus quis, laoreet et, pretium ac, nisi. Aenean magna nisl, mollis quis, molestie eu, feugiat in, orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Fusce convallis, mauris imperdiet gravida bibendum, nisl turpis suscipit mauris, sed placerat ipsum urna sed risus. In convallis tellus a mauris. Curabitur non elit ut libero tristique sodales. Mauris a lacus. Donec mattis semper leo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus facilisis diam at odio. Mauris dictum, nisi eget consequat elementum, lacus ligula molestie metus, non feugiat orci magna ac sem. Donec turpis. Donec vitae metus. Morbi tristique neque eu mauris. Quisque gravida ipsum non sapien. Proin turpis lacus, scelerisque vitae, elementum at, lobortis ac, quam. Aliquam dictum eleifend risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam sit amet diam. Suspendisse odio. Suspendisse nunc. In semper bibendum libero.

Proin nonummy, lacus eget pulvinar lacinia, pede felis dignissim leo, vitae tristique magna lacus sit amet eros. Nullam ornare. Praesent odio ligula, dapibus sed, tincidunt eget, dictum ac, nibh. Nam quis lacus. Nunc eleifend molestie velit. Morbi lobortis quam eu velit. Donec euismod vestibulum massa. Donec non lectus. Aliquam commodo lacus sit amet nulla. Cras dignissim elit et augue. Nullam non diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean vestibulum. Sed lobortis elit quis lectus. Nunc sed lacus at augue bibendum dapibus.

Aliquam vehicula sem ut pede. Cras purus lectus, egestas eu, vehicula at, imperdiet sed, nibh. Morbi consectetuer luctus felis. Donec vitae nisi. Aliquam tincidunt feugiat elit. Duis sed elit ut turpis ullamcorper feugiat. Praesent pretium, mauris sed fermentum hendrerit, nulla lorem iaculis magna, pulvinar scelerisque urna tellus a justo. Suspendisse pulvinar massa in metus. Duis quis quam. Proin justo. Curabitur ac sapien. Nam erat. Praesent ut quam.

Vivamus commodo, augue et laoreet euismod, sem sapien tempor dolor, ac egestas sem ligula quis lacus. Donec vestibulum tortor ac lacus. Sed posuere vestibulum nisl. Curabitur eleifend fermentum justo. Nullam imperdiet. Integer sit amet mauris imperdiet risus sollicitudin rutrum. Ut vitae turpis. Nulla facilisi. Quisque tortor velit, scelerisque et, facilisis vel, tempor sed, urna. Vivamus nulla elit, vestibulum eget, semper et, scelerisque eget, lacus. Pellentesque viverra purus. Quisque elit. Donec ut dolor.

Duis volutpat elit et erat. In at nulla at nisl condimentum aliquet. Quisque elementum pharetra lacus. Nunc gravida arcu eget nunc. Nulla iaculis egestas magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed pellentesque orci. Etiam lacus lorem, iaculis sit amet, pharetra quis, imperdiet sit amet, lectus. Integer quis elit ac mi aliquam pretium. Nullam mauris orci, porttitor eget, sollicitudin non, vulputate id, risus. Donec varius enim nec sem. Nam aliquam lacinia enim. Quisque eget lorem eu purus dignissim ultricies. Fusce porttitor hendrerit ante. Mauris urna diam, cursus id, mattis eget, tempus sit amet, risus. Curabitur eu felis. Sed eu mi. Nullam lectus mauris, luctus a, mattis ac, tempus non, leo. Cras mi nulla, rhoncus id, laoreet ut, ultricies id, odio.

Donec imperdiet. Vestibulum auctor tortor at orci. Integer semper, nisi eget suscipit eleifend, erat nisl hendrerit justo, eget vestibulum lorem justo ac leo. Integer sem velit, pharetra in, fringilla eu, fermentum id, felis. Vestibulum sed felis. In elit. Praesent et pede vel ante dapibus condimentum. Donec magna. Quisque id risus. Mauris vulputate pellentesque leo. Duis vulputate, ligula at venenatis tincidunt, orci nunc interdum leo, ac egestas elit sem ut lacus. Etiam non diam quis arcu egestas commodo. Curabitur nec massa ac massa gravida condimentum. Aenean id libero. Pellentesque vitae tellus. Fusce lectus est, accumsan ac, bibendum sed, porta eget, augue. Etiam faucibus. Quisque tempus purus eu ante.

Vestibulum sapien nisl, ornare auctor, consectetuer quis, posuere tristique, odio. Fusce ultrices ullamcorper odio. Ut augue nulla, interdum at, adipiscing non, tristique eget, neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut pede est, condimentum id, scelerisque ac, malesuada non, quam. Proin eu ligula ac sapien suscipit blandit. Suspendisse euismod. Ut accumsan, neque id gravida luctus, arcu pede sodales felis, vel blandit massa arcu eget ligula. Aenean sed turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sem eros, ornare ut, commodo eu, tempor nec, risus. Donec laoreet dapibus ligula. Praesent orci leo, bibendum nec, ornare et, nonummy in, elit. Donec interdum feugiat leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque feugiat ullamcorper ipsum. Donec convallis tincidunt urna.

Suspendisse et orci et arcu porttitor pellentesque. Sed lacus nunc, fermentum vel, vehicula in, imperdiet eget, urna. Nam consectetuer euismod nunc. Nulla dignissim posuere nulla. Integer iaculis lacinia massa. Nullam sapien augue, condimentum vel, venenatis id, rhoncus pellentesque, sapien. Donec sed ipsum ultrices turpis consectetuer imperdiet. Duis et ipsum ac nisl laoreet commodo. Mauris eu est. Suspendisse id turpis quis orci euismod consequat. Donec tellus mi, luctus sit amet, ultrices a, convallis eu, lorem. Proin faucibus convallis elit. Maecenas rhoncus arcu at arcu. Proin libero. Proin adipiscing. In quis lorem vitae elit consectetuer pretium. Nullam ligula urna, adipiscing nec, iaculis ut, elementum non, turpis. Fusce pulvinar.

width="20" valign="bottom" style="color:#B2B7F2;font-size:{{#switch:20px 10px=20px 30px=60px 40px=80px 50px=100px 60px=120px

—{{{author}}}{{#if:Source|, {{{publication}}}}}




Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

This {{#switch:Template

 |File=image, used in one or more high-risk templates and/or system messages,
 |#default=high-risk template

}} has been protected from editing to prevent vandalism. (protection log). Please discuss changes on the talk page or request unprotection. You may use Template:Tl on the talk page to ask for an administrator to make an edit for you. {{#switch:Template|File=Do not move this image to Wikimedia Commons.}}

}} {{#ifeq: Cquote | sandbox


Template:Template sandbox notice }}Template:Template other

{{#ifeq: ¬ |


   #if: {{#ifexist: 
   | {{#switch: Template
 | File
 | MediaWiki
 | Category = Template talk
 | #default = Template
 }}:{{#switch: Cquote
 | sandbox
 | testcases = Cquote
 | #default = Cquote
 | yes
   | [[{{fullurl:{{#if: 
 | {{#switch: Template
 | File
 | MediaWiki
 | Category = Template talk
 | #default = Template
 }}:{{#switch: Cquote
 | sandbox
 | testcases = Cquote
 | #default = Cquote
 }}|action=edit}} edit]] [purge] 
 | {{#switch: Template
 | File
 | MediaWiki
 | Category = Template talk
 | #default = Template
 }}:{{#switch: Cquote
 | sandbox
 | testcases = Cquote
 | #default = Cquote
 }}| action=edit&preload={{
       #ifeq: Template | File
       | Template:Documentation/preload-filespace
       | Template:Documentation/preload
       }} }} create]]
 }} {{#switch: ¬
 | ¬ =   
   {{#switch: Template 
   | Template =  Template documentation
   | File = Summary
   | #default = Documentation
 | #default = 

}} {{#if: | | {{#if: {{#ifexist:

   | {{#switch: Template
 | File
 | MediaWiki
 | Category = Template talk
 | #default = Template
 }}:{{#switch: Cquote
 | sandbox
 | testcases = Cquote
 | #default = Cquote
 | yes
 | {{ {{#if: 
 | {{#switch: Template
 | File
 | MediaWiki
 | Category = Template talk
 | #default = Template
 }}:{{#switch: Cquote
 | sandbox
 | testcases = Cquote
 | #default = Cquote
 }} }}



 {{#ifeq:  | off
 | {{#ifexist: 
   | {{#switch: Template
 | File
 | MediaWiki
 | Category = Template talk
 | #default = Template
 }}:{{#switch: Cquote
 | sandbox
 | testcases = Cquote
 | #default = Cquote
 | yes
   #switch: Template
   | User
   | Template = yes

| Template:Fmbox }}{{#if:

 {{#switch: Cquote
 | doc
 | testcases = strange

| [[Category:Wikipedia pages with strange ((documentation)) usage|Template:Main otherTemplate:Cquote]]
